Friday, June 06, 2008

Handover of NCC Blog. is to be handed over to the Publications Specialist CPL Michelle in due time. All announcements regarding the UNIT will be henceforth posted here. Please take note that this is merely a reference and may not cover all and every precise information. Please refer to the NCC Noticeboard for that purpose.

Regards (For the last time),
CPL Jarad.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

June Schedule (Part Cs)

Haven't updated the blog in awhile.

This is the June schedule for 2008.

Part As

AB Camp 28-30 May

Part Bs

AB Camp 28-30 May

Part Cs

AB Camp 27-30 May
Live Range 28 May

Specialists Course (Sea Module) 4-6 June

Annual kayaking Expedition 9-12 June

Specialists Course (Land Module) 16-18 June

Birthday Wishes: Tag your birthday on the tagboard. Surprises Galore >:)

CPL Clement: 7 May
CPL Gim Hwa: 23 May
CPL Christabelle: 3 June
CPL Jarad: 9 June
CPL Wei Chong: 15 June

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Dates for the MSTD:

9-17 February (Jakarta)
8-18 March (Bangkok)