Thursday, January 22, 2009

Proficiency Retest

There will be a proficiency retest on Friday 23/01/09 for Basic 2 and Inter 1 cadets who failed the HQ Bronze and Silver Proficiency test respectively.

Basic 2s
Report outside NCC room at 1315H in half school uniform. (PT Kit, school pants)
Topics will be those tested in Bronze Proficiency.

Inter 1s
Report outside NCC room at 1430H in full school uniform.
Topics tested is those from Silver Proficiency.
You are required to pass both theory and bends & hitches components.

Failure results in a withholding of rank or demotion!
Please revise in the spare time before reporting.

Thanks. :)
1SG Jarad

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Revived revived revived revived revived revived revived revived!

For recent events' photos, click on links and go to the Photobucket account. There are currently ake, coc parade, mee toh camp, mstd, ncc day and sea comp's photos in the account. I'll upload more soon! (:

As you can see! There's a new layout too! Do give comments/suggestions through the tagboard.


Saturday, January 10, 2009


CCA Open House - 10th January 2009
Reporting time: 0645am
POOD: Jedd
APOOD: Sanesh/Tricia

School training - 16th January 2009
POOD: Fazli
APOOD: Jeremy

No training - 23rd January 2009
CNY celebration

Sunday, January 04, 2009

There will be training on Friday, 9/01/2009.
Will be preparing for CCA Open House on Saturday, 10/01/2009, which will be held in the morning.
More details will be released to you guys soon.
Remember to be punctual for Morning Inspections.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Morning inspection resumes on Monday (5/1/09) at 710am, NO ONE IS TO BE LATE.
Please pass the msg that this blog is 'revived', so check for future announcements.


SSG Alwyn

Thursday, January 01, 2009

1. Please be reminded to sew on your new rank asap.

2. Problems encountered while pinning your new badges, please approach respective platoon sgts immediately/ ask your platoon mates for help.

3. Morning inspections/ trainings will resume soon. Platoon sgts will inform you beforehand.

4. Have a fruitful term.

SSG Alwyn