Monday, September 10, 2012

Handover Parade 14/09/12
Attire: Full no.3
The parade will commence at 2.15pm. Please fall in before 2.15pm.
Training will continue after the parade. 
Please bring your water bottle and have your lunch before coming!

SGT Selyne ^^

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Firday's training, 3/2/2012
Attire: Full No.4, bring along pt kit
Time: 1.30pm
Please bring water bottle and have your lunch before coming.

SGT Selyne

Thursday, January 12, 2012

[update] Friday's training, 12/01/2012
Fall in outside NCC room at 2pm
In Pt Kit
Please have your lunch before training.

SGT Selyne